
The El Niño Southern Oscillation

The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a coupelled ocean atmosphere phenomenon which is present in the equatorial Pacific and affects the weather around the world. In its positive phase, temperatures throught the equatorial Pacific are relatively warm (El Niño phase). The other way around, temperatures are realtively low in the negative phase (La Niña).

ENSO forecasts

The predictive horizon for ENSO forecasts is by far longer than for weather forecasts, because of the strong autocorrelation of the ENSO for time periods up to about 6-9 month. It is the combination of the relatively long predictive horizon and the influence of ENSO on the weather around the world, that raises the a great interest in research to make skillful seasonal forecasts for the ENSO. Whereas, dynamical models integrate physical equations that determine the evolution of the system in time, statistical models learn from past observations how the future state will likely evolve. You can find current forecasts from dynamical and statistical ENSO-models on the website of the Internation Research Insitute for Climate and Society (see here).

Existing statistical models

Multiple statistical models for the ENSO predictions have been developed in past research. For instance a working group around William Hsieh at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada investigated the application of artifical neural networks (ANN) for the ENSO forecasts. One of the first papers of the UBC group was published by Tangang et al. (1997).

More recently, researchers at the Utrecht University (UU) in the Netherlands used ANNs to forecast the ENSO. An early attempt was made by Feng et al. (2016) to use machine learning (ML) methods for the ENSO forecasts. However, this research did not pass the peer-review. Feng et al. (2016) aimed to build a python package, called ClimateLearn. However, it was not clear which aim ClimateLearn pursued and how it would contribute to the research on ENSO prediction.

Based on the initial attempts in Feng et al. (2016), Nooteboom et al. (2018) developed a hybrid model which is a combination out of an Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and an ANN model.

The aim of this package

The issue of already existing statisitcal models is that it can be difficult and time consuming to build up on them because:

· the code difficult to access

· the code is not easily transferable to other research (particular coding style, different programming language, etc.)

· the research uses differing conventions, i.e. defintion for lead time

· accessing the used data sources and postprocessing the data is time consuming

The research framework Ninolearn aims to tackle these issues. The framework is initiated to facilitate collaboration, speed up the start up of research and make realized research more transparent, comparable and reproducable.

How does NinoLearn work?

NinoLearn aims to automatize and accurately separate the steps that are involved within the development process for a statisical model for statisitcal ENSO forecasts:

  1. Download data

  2. Read data

  3. Clean data, harmonize data from different sources

  4. Postprocess data

  5. Build a statistical model

  6. Training the model (following the best practice of a 3-split of the data set into a train, validation and test data set)

  7. Evaluate the model (using standardized tests)

Point 6 and 7 are not included in a standardized way in the current version of NinoLearn.


At the start of the development of a statistical model, one needs to download data from potentially multiple sources. Most often it can be time consuming to find the correct source and write own downloading routines.

The module provides routines that make the download process for various data sources (e.g. NCEP reanalysis, ORAS4 data set, Warm Water volume index, Oceanic Niño Index, etc.) possible within a few lines.

In example for the download of the sea surface temparture (SST) data from the ERSSTv5 data set as well as the ONI:

from import download, sources

The downloaded data is directly saved into the raw data (rawdir) direcotory that is specified in ninolearn.pathes.

Data preparation

Furthermore, the module ninolearn.postprocess.prepare provides the user with methods to prepare the data such that all postprocessed data sets follow the same conventions regarding i.e. the time axis format.

By simply executing

from ninolearn.postprocess.prepare import prep_oni

The downloaded raw data file for the ONI is assigned with a practicable time axis which is used for all postprocessed data. Moreover, the prepared data is directly saved into the postprocessed data direcotory (postdir) that is specified in ninolearn.pathes.


Some more postprocessing methods and classes are available in modules in the sub-package ninolearn.postprocess.

Computing anomalies (ninolearn.postprocess.anomaly) and regriding data to a common grid (currently a 2.5°x2.5° grid, ninolearn.postprocess.regrid) is as easy as in the following code snippet for the SST data set from the ERSSTv5:

from ninolearn.IO import read_raw
from ninolearn.postprocess.anomaly import postprocess
from ninolearn.postprocess.regrid import to2_5x2_5

sst_ERSSTv5 = read_raw.sst_ERSSTv5()
sst_ERSSTv5_regrided = to2_5x2_5(sst_ERSSTv5)

The method ninolearn.postprocess.anomaly.postprocess() saves the initial raw data file to the postprocessed data directory and renames it following a naming convention that makes it easy to access later. Furthermore, seasonal anomalies based on the reference period 1981-2010 are computed and the anomlies are as well saved to the postprocessed data directory following the naming convention.

In addition, more advanced postprocessing methids such as principal component analysis (ninolearn.postprocess.pca) and (evolving) complex networks ( are provided to facilitate the use of these methods with the data set of interest.

Read data

In addition, reading methods in ninolearn.IO.read_raw are available that make it easy to read the raw data (not postprocessed) without the need to specify all the details about the raw data set e.g. type of method to use to read the raw data or number of header lines. For instance one can read the raw file for the ONI as follows:

from ninolearn.IO import read_raw
oni_raw = read_raw.oni()

For the postprocessed data, a the ninolearn.IO.read_post.data_reader makes it easy to access the postprocessed data in a dynamic way, i.e. selecting specific time windows and areas from the desired data set. For the ONI and the SST anomaly (SSTA) form the ERSSTv5 this looks as follows:

from ninolearn.IO.read_post import data_reader

reader = data_reader(startdate='1980-01', enddate='2017-12',
                     lon_min=30, lon_max=280,
                     lat_min=-30, lat_max=30)

oni = reader.read_csv('oni')
sst = reader.read_netcdf('sst', dataset='ERSSTv5', processed='anom')

The ONI and the SSTA are now read for the same time period (January 1980 till December 2017) and the SSTA for the specified regions (boundaries in degrees East).

Machine Learning

For the training and evaluation of machine learning models, NinoLearn aims to standardize the corresponding procedures.

New models within NinoLearn need to be set up in a specific way, such that they can be trained and evaluated following standardized procedures. At the moment, this is still work in progress and just some parts of the code are brought into a user friendly style.

The module ninolearn.learn.models already contains some models that were developed during the Master Thesis of Petersik (2019)`. In particular a Deep Ensemble (ninolearn.learn.models.dem) and an Encoder-Decoder (ninolearn.learn.models.encoderDecoder) model is available.

The modlue contains methods for a standardized training of the model and the corresponding prediction. In the module ninolearn.learn.evaluation, some methods are gathered to evaluate models for on the entire time series as well as on different seasons and decades using the RMSE and the Pearson correlation.

Cited literature

Tangang, F. T., Hsieh, W. W., & Tang, B. (1997). Forecasting the equatorial Pacific sea surface temperatures by neural network models. Climate Dynamics, 13(2), 135-147.

Feng, Q. Y., Vasile, R., Segond, M., Gozolchiani, A., Wang, Y., Abel, M., … & Dijkstra, H. A. (2016). ClimateLearn: A machine-learning approach for climate prediction using network measures. Geoscientific Model Development.

Nooteboom, P. D., Feng, Q. Y., López, C., Hernández-García, E., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2018). Using network theory and machine learning to predict El Niño, Earth Syst. Dynam., 9, 969–983.